From over thinking to clear and confident in 60 minutes flat

You’re trying to buy a property. But you’re nervous and full of self doubt… You’re stuck in a negative cycle of “what ifs.”

You sense the playing field is uneven, but you don’t know exactly how you’re exposed during the buying process.

What if you use the wrong strategy?
What if you follow the wrong resource?
What if you use the wrong execution?

In real estate, those mistakes can cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

What if you use the wrong strategy?

What if you follow the wrong resource?

What if you use the wrong execution?

In real estate, those mistakes can cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

The stakes are high when it’s your life savings.

The real problem is that buyers only see the tip of the iceberg. You don’t see how goddamn sophisticated the real estate industry really is.

Don’t be too hard on yourself though. You don’t have the benefit of sitting through hours and hours of real estate training like we do.


Sounding Board Sessions

These are 60 min sessions where you can ask any questions & get an immediate answer from an unbiased, independent buyer’s advocate.

During these sessions, Lisa will bring a big picture view of your real estate ideas based on 22+ years of experience. She’ll reveal everything you need to know that’s hidden underneath the real estate iceberg, so that you don’t make costly purchasing mistakes, get ripped off and pay more than you need to on your home or investment.

Invest in an hour with Lisa. Keep the results forever. Potentially save yourself tens of thousands of dollars in the process. 

How it works

Step 1: Pre-Session Questionnaire

We’ll send you a questionnaire to fill out so that we can prepare for you before you arrive in the office. This means your 60 minute session can be focused only on the important stuff.

Step 2: We meet in-person for your 60 min session

You’ll come to our Chadstone office for a private session or we can have a video call.

Ask anything you want. As long as your questions can fit into 60 minutes, then we’ll leave no stone unturned. (And if you want extra time, you can book a longer session for even more support.)

Step 3: Execution

You go home & apply everything you’ve learned in your session. Or, you can hire Parker Buyer Advocates for extra support if / when you need it.  



  • A strategy creation session where we go super in depth & develop a full investment strategy for you.
  • A detailed area analysis where we can help you choose the right area for you to purchase.  Contact us to discuss the  service that perfect for those who need help to hone in on which areas are right for you (and saves you up to 6 months of research time).
  • A comprehensive property plan that maps out all your future purchases. We have another service that may be more suitable for you. Please call us & we’ll discuss the options with you.


This session is acts as a sounding board for your ideas only.

is this right for me?

A Sounding Board Session is perfect for you if: 

  • You want unbiased, independent advice from a professional to make sure you’re not about to make a big, expensive mistake
  • You’re overthinking your next property move & want unbiased advice help you arrive at a decision.
  • You want to know what’s happening in the Melbourne property market and whether now is a good time for you to buy or sell a property.
  • You’re tossing up between different investment strategies and are unsure which idea is best for you.
  • You’re wondering what the buying process is going to look like & need a trusted person to point you in the right direction.
  • You’re attempting to buy your own property, but getting stuck at a particular stage in the process
  • You LOVE to take in only the information you need right now, and have the ability to come back for the next piece of the puzzle when you’re ready.


 We care about the biggest investment of your life.

We’ll tell you the real truth, even if that’s not what you’re expecting to hear.

We’re starting out with property investing. I thought we should work from the top down,  focus on suburbs and where to invest and what type we should buy.

We were getting lost in the Pros & Cons. Luckily we booked a Sounding Board Session with Lisa to gain guidance instead Lisa took us from the bottom up. Worked out the figures to give us a base to build from.

Lisa showed us a different way to think about property & how to approach it. We appreciate the tools and software and recommendations Lisa gave us.

Definitely value for money.



First Time Investor


Let’s talk and see how it can help you, simply fill in the form below and we’ll get back to you: