Youโ€™re trying to buy a property. But youโ€™re nervous and full of self doubt… Youโ€™re stuck in a negative cycle of โ€œwhat ifs.โ€

You sense the playing field is uneven, but you donโ€™t know exactly how youโ€™re exposed during the buying process.

What if you use the wrong strategy?
What if you follow the wrong resource?
What if you use the wrong execution?

In real estate, those mistakes can cost you tens of thousands of dollars.

Answers to the Important Questions

How do I know if Parkerโ€™s Buyer Advocates are the right buyerโ€™s agent for me?

It’s really important that you choose an advocate that you trust and work well with.
If you like everything youโ€™ve read and you like the way we communicate, chances are that youโ€™ll like us in real life too. Becauseย there’s no shiny, corporate veneer with us, we like to keep things real!ย  Which means how we present here on the website is exactly how we present in real life too.ย  This is intentional because we really want to attract clients who are a perfect fit for us, our services and who we really enjoy working with too.

What we stand for

We value honest, real & straight forward conversations. We like integrity, efficiency, respect and we like to do everything with transparency. If we say we are going to do something, we mean it. If we canโ€™t, we will tell it to you straight, and we really love it when our clients speak to us openly and honestly too.

If you like knowing where you stand, if you enjoy direct, respectful conversations, chances are you will love working with us. But trust your gut. You already know if you like us!

I donโ€™t understand why thereโ€™s no fixed fee. Why do I pay more for a house over $600,000?

Honestly, thereโ€™s different amounts of work involved to find a home for $500,000 than it is to find a home for $1.5 million.

The lower the price point the more stock (houses) are available, thereโ€™s more to choose from and the faster we can find you a result. Conversely, the higher the price point, the longer it takes to find the right property that suits your needs in the area you want to live in.

Our fees are designed so that you get our absolute best work for the best price, no matter what your budget is.

If your fee is a percentage of the purchase price, where is your incentive to get us the cheapest possible price?

Great question – let me solve that for you. If you are concerned that your buyers advocate is going to be more motivated by a few hundred dollars than looking after your best interests, then you have the wrong buyers advocate.

Hereโ€™s an example of just how little the ultimate fee differs

$750,000 =ย  $16,500

$720,000 = $15,840

Difference = $660

On the other hand, how much difference does it make to both you and me if we look after you so well that you fall madly in love with us, think of us fondly for the rest of your life AND refer your friends, family and colleagues to our service?

Most of our clients refer at least 1 – 3 people to our service after working with us. Thatโ€™s a lot of business (thatโ€™s worth a lot more than $660) we would lose if we didnโ€™t give you our very best!


How/where will we meet?

We will meet firstly over the phone to determine if this service is a fit for your needs. If itโ€™s love at first sight, you will register for the service and pay your deposit. We will then meet at your home or in our office for your Goal Setting session.

Do I get any one-on-one time with you?

Yes – we understand that everyone is unique in how much communication and time they ideally would like with us. If you want us to just get on with our job reporting back just once weekly or on a need be basis, no problem. If you want more love, consider it done! During our briefing session we will establish just the right amount of communication & one-on-one time is right for you.

What do I need to have ready before we start?

You should have
– Your pre-approval
– Deposit saved and accessible (do not have it in a term deposit that you cannot access for another 3 months)
– If you have been looking at properties already have a list of the links of properties you liked and didn’t like along with your notes on each property

How quickly will I see results?

I want to warn you so you are prepared for just how fast things happen once you have us on board. We might already have your perfect property the same day you sign up for the service.

If this is the case, I donโ€™t want you to think that we are recommending just any old thing. We will ONLY ever recommend a property that we 100% believe in and think is a perfect fit for your circumstances. Sometimes the stars and planets align in your favour the minute you decide to get the help you need to make this process easy for you.

Other times, the process will take up to 6 weeks. 6 weeks is the average time from beginning of the search phase to purchase for our clients during 2017.

How soon can we start?

Immediately in most cases!

When will my final payment be due?

The final installment is payable when we have helped you buy your dream home. You will pay this once the contract to purchase your home is unconditional.

Canโ€™t I just figure this stuff out on my own?

Yes – absolutely! If you have the time and the desire to figure things out on your own then, yes, go for it! The question is do you really want to take the time needed to work out how to successfully approach each and every step in the process until you can do this successfully on your own?

Most people who take a DIY approach take an average of 6-12 months to purchase a property. And thatโ€™s if they are seriously hunting, which means looking at every single day and inspecting 6-8 houses every saturday, plus the occasional mid-week inspection.

If you are a busy person (who isnโ€™t these days??!), ainโ€™t nobody got time for that.

Is there a guarantee?

Yes, there IS a guarantee. If we do not produce the result for which you have signed up for, you will not pay us our final payment. It is that simple.

Do you have a team of people you can refer us to?

Yes. With our team of professionals at your disposal, you will enjoy special Parker Buyer Advocacy discounts on service fees, & special favours that give you the added advantage compared with other buyers who are thumbling their way through the process without a proven team already on their side ready to work for them.

AND, best of all, our trusted network of professionals prioritise our clients work which means we get answers and solutions within minutes, rather than the days it might take for you get answers if you were DIYโ€™ing.

Having said that, if you have trusted professionals you would prefer to use you are welcome to do that.

Are there any hidden fees?

Nope. What you see is what you get when working with us. We guarantee that there are no hidden fees.

But there are some other expenses associated with buying a home that you will need to factor in.

What other costs should I budget for when buying a home?

Other costs you will be responsible for when you purchase a property (which are not included in our service) are:

  1. Building and pest inspections (approx $450- $750 per set of inspections)
  2. Conveyancing fees (approx $900 – $1,200)
  3. Repairs & renovations – we will work with your budget to ensure you can afford any repairs that may be uncovered during the building and pest inspections.
  4. Stamp duty

What is the next step for me to get started?

You can get started here. This link will take you to a page where you will provide some preliminary information we require to get you registered as a client.

Want to speak with a human? No problem!

Give our office a call and Karen will get you started. You can also email Karen here to let her know you are ready to have our help! Karen has one of the friendliest voices you will ever hear!