Getting stuck with the rubbish after settlement is not ideal. 3 tips to ensure you do not get stuck with it in the first place! Removing hard waste and garden waste is an expensive exercise and you certainly do not want to get stuck with the bill once the property...
The vast majority of our clients purchase the first property we recommend to them. The reason for this is because we have a very thorough process where every aspect of a clients needs and goals for the property are considered and confirmed prior to commencing the...
Property Management Fees – What is typical for Victoria? In this weeks blog, Lisa Parker, Melbourne Buyers Agent, discusses property management fees and what to expect when you purchase an investment property in Melbourne.ย The information shared in this...
If you are thinking of working with a Buyers Advocate you may be wondering what you need to do to be prepared for the journey.ย In this article Lisa Parker, Melbourne Buyers Agent and Director of Parker Buyer Advocates, shares the 3 things you will to have in order...
First time investors are often nervous about the prospect of owning an investment property. Of their concerns and worries not having a tenant is one of the biggest concerns. We have all heard the rental horror stories yet in my own experience and in my experience...
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