Find the answers everything you ever wanted to know about us and working with a property buyers advocate.

Explore Lisa’s history & experience,ย Scrutinize her strategies, Investigate our service inclusions and Discover the Parker Buyer Advocates Difference.


If your fee is a percentage of the purchase price, where is your incentive to get us the cheapest possible price?

Let’s get that concern off your mind. We will provide you with a fixed fee quote that is tailored to your specific search. So you can relax knowing we are always working for you and your best interests.


Are you independent?

Yes, you can be confident we are on your side.

We are 100% independent. We do not have affiliations with any developers, builders or selling agents.

Do you sell any property?

No. We do not sell any property. We have worked exclusively as dedicated Buyer Advocates for 14 years.

Are you licensed to work as a buyers agent?

Yes. We hold the correct qualifications and license to be able to work as Buyer Agents. We hold insurance to ensure you are protected and Parker Buyer Advocates is also an accredited member of REBAA (Real Estate Buyers Agents Association) and REIV (Real Estate Institute of Victoria)

How do I know if Parkerโ€™s Buyer Advocates are the right buyerโ€™s agent for me?

It’s really important that you choose an advocate that you trust and work well with.
If you like everything youโ€™ve read and you like the way we communicate, chances are that youโ€™ll like us in real life too. Becauseย there’s no shiny, corporate veneer with us, we like to keep things real!ย  Which means how we present here on the website is exactly how we present in real life too.ย  This is intentional because we really want to attract clients who are a perfect fit for us, our services and who we really enjoy working with too.

What we stand for

We value honest, real & straight forward conversations. We like integrity, efficiency, respect and we like to do everything with transparency. If we say we are going to do something, we mean it. If we canโ€™t, we will tell it to you straight, and we really love it when our clients speak to us openly and honestly too.

If you like knowing where you stand, if you enjoy direct, respectful conversations, chances are you will love working with us. But trust your gut. You already know if you like us!

What do I need to have ready before we start?

You should have
– Your pre-approval
– Deposit saved and accessible (do not have it in a term deposit that you cannot access for another 3 months)
– If you have been looking at properties already have a list of the links of properties you liked and didn’t like along with your notes on each property

How/where will we meet?

We will meet firstly over the phone to determine if this service is a fit for your needs. If you qualify for the service we will invite you to an introductory meeting. We can do that in our office in Chadstone or CBD, or we can meet virtually over Skype, Zoom or Whatsapp.

If itโ€™s love at first sight you will pay your deposit for the service and get the paper work off the to-do list!

Can you recommend a great broker or bank we can work with?

Yes, absolutely.

We have a whole team of professionals we have worked alongside for many years.ย After hearing more about your situation and plans, we can introduce you to the broker we think would be the best fit for you.

What if I don't have my pre-approval yet?

We will not commence your search until your pre-approval has been finalised, however if you have submitted your application and are waiting for final approval, now is the perfect time for you to make your initial inquiry with us.

Do you get access to off-market properties?

Yes, yes, yes!

We have a large database of agents who we regularly receive access to off-market, pre-market and soft launch properties through. Our favourite agents will even door knock and cold call suitable homes for you when you are a Parker Buyer Advocate client.

What if I don't like the properties you show me?

Rest assured you will never feel pressured to purchase a property that you do not love.
We work together to create an outcome you are happy with and we only source properties according to the brief we have agreed upon together.

We don’t want you to waste your time so your buyer advocate will help you create a brief that is realistic and workable. We will also help you to set an appropriate budget for your dream home. This occurs during refinement week in our proven process.

Is the property I want realistic for my budget?

Many of our clients come to us with an idea in mind about where they would like to live and which suburbs they prefer but wonder if it is realistic.
It’s our job to help you refine and prioritise your wish list and navigate the options so you end up in the right area in a home you will love at a price you can afford.

You can rely on us to be candid if you’re on the wrong track or have unrealistic expectations. In fact, we only take on clients who have a willingness to be realistic and turn away those who won’t budge on their wish list, even if their budget will not afford it. It would just be a waste of everyone’s time and your money if your dream home didn’t actually exist.

I like everything I have read and heard about about Parker Buyer Advocates, what is the next step for me to get started?

If you are ready to make your home buying a breeze, the next best step for you is to schedule a Get Acquainted Call.

This is a 10 minute phone appointment to discuss your requirements and to see if you qualify for our service. If you do, you will be invited to an introductory meeting where we can go over the service offering in more detail and walk through the paperwork required to get you started.

The Get Acquainted call is quick, easy to organise and the fastest way to determine the right next step for you. Book your Get Acquainted call using the yellow form directly below.


Ready to discuss how we can make home buying or investing in property a breeze for you? Fill out the form below and our team will be in touch with you shortly.